Wood roasting:
our way to roast coffee
Wood roasted coffee is a special coffee with a unique taste.
“To be irreplaceable one must be different”. In keeping with this philosophy, we have been working for more than twenty years: we are faithful to the ancient coffee tradition and every day we choose the most difficult and long way to roast coffee, fascinating and full of history at the same time. Thanks to the long experience of our artisans, their deep knowledge of the raw material and extraordinary skills, to roast coffee on woods has become our distinctive character and our added value.
Roasting is a delicate process that through heat turns green beans in dark ones, giving them the typical aromatic and organoleptic profile of roasted coffee.
The modern process last about 18 minutes, whereas artisanal wood roasting is slower and it may require time much longer. Our way to roast means that each bean is perfectly and homogeneously roasted from the inside out preventing the risks of taste defects. The result is a coffee with a special aroma and a unique sensory profile.

Officine Vittoria - Bologna 1950
The main character of this step of production is the our coffee roaster Vittoria, a machine from the ‘50s, with a wood fired oven. We only use the oak wood because it has the right features such as a low acidity, pleasant aroma, limited smoke emission and high combustion resistance. It is a natural and biogenic material, it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and also, it is classified as renewable energy source.
A production cycle that respects nature, its time and the ancient tradition of coffee : in each Irio coffee cup you’ll find our identity.
Craftsmen by vocation
“Those who work with their hands are workers. Those who work with their hands and their head are artisans. Those who work with their hands, head and heart are artists.”
This quote attributed to Saint Francis perfectly describes the idea that Irio Caffè company wants to represent : a place where work, passion and art come together to create a unique product.
The slow roasting, the respect of natural process and processing time, the quality research at every phase: all this care definitely make ours a limited production.
Our artisans are the protagonists in each single moment with their expert hands and skills. The integration between technology and handwork allows us to guarantee high quality standards and a real added value to our customers.