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Irio offers three payment methods that can be freely chosen: cash, credit card and Paypal.

In the case of cash payment, you will pay the courier in charge of shipping the goods upon delivery. Payments over € 1000.00 can only be made by credit card.

The amount of the order will be charged only when the products are actually shipped.

Paypal is an online payment system that allows any company or consumer who has an email address to send and receive payments. By registering for free, you can open your own account that allows you to make payments using your email and password. To your account it is possible to associate a credit card (up to a maximum of eight), or a prepaid card, or you can top up without expenses from the bank account.Please pay attention when entering data: the payment will not be accepted in case of incorrect data entry. An invoice will be issued for each order of the private customer who has entered his tax code, and for each order of the professional customer or company that has entered the p. VAT. If the private customer chooses not to enter their tax code, or the professional or company customer their p. VAT, Irio will not issue an invoice or certify the payment by issuing a receipt or receipt (articles 22, paragraph 1 of Presidential Decree 633/72 and article 2, letter oo) of Presidential Decree 696/96). When ordering, it is necessary to indicate if the shipping address is different from the billing address.

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